What we offer is an alternative cycling accessory designed to carry the essentials for race day repairs and backcountry excursions. Made from top-shelf materials with intensive attention to detail, there is no more secure, durable, and reliable way to keep your tube, tire levers, CO2, or multi-tool handy and ready to use in a matter of seconds. With multiple mounting options, our straps can easily adjust to hold as much or as little as you need to carry, anywhere on your bike. They are incredibly easy to swap from one bike to another, yet so reasonably priced that you can buy one for each arrow in your quiver.
Saddle bags are a swinging nuisance. Bulky and clumsy, their mounting design can offer limited access to its contents when strapped to your seat rails. No more broken or fouled zippers, wadding your gear into cramped spaces, or jingling multi-tools and spare links wearing holes in your tubes.
Put that electrical tape back in your toolbox, give your old toe straps to a starving hipster, and toss that saddle scrotum in the trash. Our straps will hold with the tenacity of a honey badger while swaddling your setup like a loving mother.
Tested, manufactured, designed, and refined in Bozeman Montana